Friday, October 22, 2010

Criminal Behavior Stems from Social Environmental Factors and Places Constraints on our Children’s Future Success

There is a battle going on everyday that is unseen by many. The battle is between at risk youth and social environmental factors that promote criminality. When oppressed by these environmental factors, constraints are put on the future of our youth. Attaining a better life style than the one they were subjected to living, is believed to be unreachable. Even the few that reach success through athletics and musical talent are not clear of criminal behavior. For example, many athletes and music artists are charged with drug abuse, drug possession, assault, weapon possession, animal cruelty, and domestic violence. Once criminal behavior is seeded in a person it is difficult to get rid of such behavioral habits.    
Social disorganization develops social environmental factors that make it difficult for our youth to attain or desire qualities that are socially acceptable and ideal. Disorganization within a community consists of high crime rates, low income families, poor parenting, low levels of education, and a lack of positive community involvement.
Family and education are two core environmental factors that can influence the direction an individual will take in life. “North Carolina Representative Anna Barnes said the legislation recognizes the school and family problems that contribute to crime and delinquency. ‘There is a pretty strong feeling among most people, legislators included, that much of youth violence stems from juveniles’ environments and early associations, she said.’” Family and education play a huge role in a child’s life. For example, one child can be more predisposed to criminal behavior than another even if the two individuals live in the same environment. Family structure and educational involvement can be the difference and the reason for a decrease in criminal behavior.
Family structure should provide the foundation for a child to learn what is morally right and wrong. A child needs guidance while growing up, so they learn how to function in society.   In the article “Sociological and Environmental Factors of Criminal Behavior” the author states that, “Socialization refers to the developmental period where the ideals of morality and socially acceptable behavior are instilled in a child”. It is apparent that many at risk youth will never encounter a period of socialization, or will instead be taught what is acceptable in their communal setting. Family is the first place children look to for love, advice, attention, and a sense of worthiness. When family plays no beneficial role in a child’s life there needs to somewhere that a child can find positive reinforcement to have a chance in braking the cycle. 
Education can be that positive reinforcement. Education is important because it creates a sense of self worth, motivation, higher standards, structure, and much more. Education is an important element in a child’s life, but it is unfortunate that educational opportunities and assistance are not equivalent in every community. If education is not promoted regardless of the intelligence of a child, he or she will not be motivated and will fall behind. Never gaining any positive qualities that education can offer. 
    Some youth are victims of their own environment. Parents should want more for their children. A better life than that of their own, but many parents are selfish, hopeless, drug addicts, or incapable of trying to manage all the burdens of a single parent in an unpromising environment. Society should want these at risk youth to obtain a quality education, so they have an opportunity to succeed in life.  Prevention is an important factor in achieving a brighter future for at risk youth, as well as decreasing criminal behavior. When there is disparity amongst opportunities for youth to succeed there are consequences. The consequences vary depending on these social environmental factors. Measures should start at home with family and education. Noticeably when that is not happening, programs and training should be available to those that can and want to prevent this damaging cycle.

             Scott Groginsky ; Jay Kroshus. State Legislatures Magazine.
“An Ounce of Prevention”. May 01, 1995. National Conference of State Legislature.

“Sociological and Environmental Factors of Criminal Behavior” 2000.

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